Battery park Zeebrugge

26 Mar 2024

Today, Storm has more than 55 wind turbines that are operational or under construction. These wind turbines produce enough sustainable energy to provide around 140,000 families with a year’s worth of power. Additionally, we’re planning to construct some large-scale battery storage projects at a number of locations in Flanders.

Large-scale battery storage systems play a key part in the energy transition. They allow us to store sustainable energy during moments of overproduction (on very windy days, for example) and can later flow that power back into the grid during a shortage. Batteries are also used to bolster the stability of the electricity grid, which can find itself straining under the increase in renewable energy. Battery storage ensures that a greater amount of renewable energy can be connected to the power grid, making our electricity mix more sustainable in the process.

We’re currently planning to build a battery park next to the Elia high-voltage substation ‘Stevin’, west of the port of Zeebrugge – in between Kustlaan and Baron de Maerelaan. (Pin-pointed on the map below).

Storm is also planning to construct two large battery parks in Ruien and Langerlo, for which we were granted the necessary permits in 2022. These parks will be operational before the end of 2027.

Info event March 6 2023

On March 6, the Zeebrugge battery project was presented to local residents. Please find the presentation on these plans below.

If you weren’t able to attend the info session or if you have additional questions, feel free to e-mail us via You can also make a telephone appointment on 03/210.07.20 and one of our colleagues will answer your questions in detail.